CONSIGNMENT PERIOD END: October 12, 2024 at 5:00 PM
CLOTHING INSPECTION: October 16-18, 2024
SALE PERIOD: October 18-20, 2024
CLOTHES: Carefully inspect your clothing and use the Inspection Guidelines here for reference. All clothing will be inspected again during the inspection period before the sale. Do not take offense if some of the items are not accepted. OUT OF DATE CLOTHING IS NOT ACCEPTED.
REGISTERING AS A CONSIGNOR: Click here to register as a new consignor. (If you have consigned before, click HERE to log in.) The online program is called mysalemanager.net (MSM). Register yourself as a consignor and get a consignor number. Review and agree to the consignor’s agreement. You cannot proceed further until this is signed.
IMPORTANT: every time you return to the sale program online to work on your inventory, you need to access it through the link on the Nearly New Sale section of the NWC website, found under its own heading on the home page. Then click on the Consignment Detail page (this page) for instructions.
Use the link “Consignor Homepage” (found at the bottom of the Nearly New Sale main page) to access your account after you have completed the initial registration as a new consignor.
A small number of consignors may have security settings on their browsers that don’t allow logging in to the program. If this happens, follow the MSM link called “Problems Logging in?” to see how to adjust your settings.
You can add inventory by accessing your consignor account through the Consignor Home Page or the Item Entry and Tag Printing links. on the NNS page. Either link brings you to the consignor login screen; use this to get to the program’s Consignor Homepage.
Click on Menu at the top left corner of the Consignor Homepage.
Select Work with Consigned Inventory. This brings you to the Consignor Inventory Menu. This menu gives you a choice of many tasks you can perform as a consignor.
Select Add Items and select either mobile phone or PC/laptop version depending on what device you are using to enter inventory.
This brings you to a page called Work with Consigned Items (Active Inventory). Follow the steps on this page for adding each item, selecting clothing category and size (each with their own dropdown menus), brief description, price, and quantity for each item.
Example: Category: Clothing-Womens, Size: 14, Description Line 1: Talbots beige skirt, Price: 10 (it will put in $ for you on your inventory list), Quantity: 1
Entering multiple identical items with the same price (eg if you have 5 pairs of girls size 7 jeans): you can enter this only once by entering a “5” in Quantity. It will then show up as 5 separate entries in your inventory list.
NOTE: See Pricing Guidelines on the NWC website. These are suggestions based on past experience on what items will typically sell for.
IMPORTANT: For the purposes of the Nearly New Sale, you need to allow all the clothing you sell to be discounted even if you plan to pick up your unsold items on Saturday afternoon (there is a choice on this for each item you add to the inventory). This will allow us to sell all unsold items in the Half Price Sale on Sunday. Please check the “Item can be Discounted” box under the price line for the first item you enter, and every time you log back in to enter more inventory. This discount will continue for each item you enter after that, unless you un-check that box.
Another way to ensure all items are discounted is to use the Inventory Functions button and apply the Discount All Items button when you are finished entering all your items and before you print your tags.
See Consignor’s agreement about picking up unsold clothing on Saturday afternoon if you do not want items to go into the Half Price or Bag sales on Sunday.
See Consignor’s agreement about picking up unsold clothing on Saturday afternoon between 2:30 - 3:30 pm if you do not want items to go into the Half Price or Bag sales on Sunday.
Once you have entered all the above information about category, size, etc. and have made sure the Item can be Discounted box is checked, select the submit button and then repeat the process for each item you want to sell.
Selecting Return to Inventory Menu will get you back to the main Consignor Inventory Menu to perform other consignor functions.
PRINTING TAGS: When you have added all your inventory, select the Print Tags button. You will want to print the tags in .pdf format. You have options to print all the tags at once, or print selected tags. You will ultimately need to print the tags for all the items you are bringing for inspection and sale. Each price tag will have a barcode on it. It is important that the barcodes can be easily scanned at checkout at the sale, so you must use the type of cardstock recommended below, the normal ink setting on your printer so it’s not too dark, and no scaling option such as “shrink to fit”. Use of paper other than the recommended cardstock resulted in scanning problems at the last sale. If we, or the scanner, can’t read your tag, you may not get credit for the sale! Using normal printing paper rather than cardstock could also allow tags to rip off and become lost during the sale.
Use the Return to Inventory Menu button to get back to the main Consignor Inventory Menu.
INVENTORY REPORT: Go to the Consignor Inventory Menu and select Inventory Reports. Select from the dropdown menu “By Item ID” (ie the item number) and print this report, using your browser’s print command, for your records (there is no “print” button on this inventory report screen.) You will need to bring this report on the Saturday afternoon of the sale if you wish to take back unsold clothes.
SUPPLIES YOU WILL NEED FOR PRINTING TAGS/TAGGING ITEMS: These are all available online for home delivery or pickup in store through Amazon, Staples and Walmart. See suggested links below.
We are now offering a tagging station during the Help Sessions at the Norwich Historical Society. You just need to bring your printed tags and we will supply the other equipment for a small donation.
You can get 75-80 sheets of the white 65 lb cardstock for about $5-8 at Amazon and Walmart. At Staples the minimum purchase is 125 pages for ~$8. If you are unable to to purchase cardstock from a retailer we will sell you what you need at one of the Help Sessions for 10 cents a sheet.
The tagging guns and stems that are similar to what the Sale uses are available as a combination package in the $10-11 price range at Amazon and Walmart.
65 lb cardstock (8 1⁄2” x 11” size, white color only).
Tagging gun and plastic stems (also called barbs or fasteners), or safety pins.
Amazon: Price Tagging Gun for Clothing
NOTE: The availability of items from these specific links may vary, and it is possible items may be out of stock at the time you look online. Both Amazon and Walmart have numerous options for tagging guns and barbs (in combination and by the individual components), and you should be able to find them in stock.
Tagging stems shorter than 2 inches will not work well for the Sale.
The program will print 10 price tags per page of cardstock.
You may need to adjust printer settings on your printer to accommodate this somewhat thicker cardstock (it is thicker than standard 8 1⁄2” x 11” paper).
DEADLINES: By Saturday, October 12, 2024 at 5:00 pm, you must complete the following:
Consignor registration
Adding inventory of all the items you want to sell
We will be closing online access to the program for adding new consignors and any new inventory at that time. This is to allow us to prepare for the inspection and sale periods the following week. You may still print price tags after this time. You will need to tag all items prior to clothing inspection. Due to the new system we are using, we cannot allow any exceptions to this deadline.
CLOTHING INSPECTION: Bring your clothes to TRACY HALL on MAIN STREET in NORWICH for inspection on Wednesday from 12 pm to 7pm, Thursday from 10am to 6 pm, or Friday 10 am to 2 pm during the week of the sale.
HELP SESSIONS: 3 sessions planned for in-person help with using this system at the Norwich Historical Society at 277 Main Street, Norwich:
For the Fall, 2024 sale: Sunday, Sept. 22, 2024, 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm, Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2024, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm and Tuesday, Oct. 8, 2024, 11:00 am - 1:00 pm. First come, first served. Bring your laptop if possible and up to 10 items of clothing you want to consign. We will help you sign on and learn to use the program. We will have a printer station to print one sheet of price tags for you from the inventory you add, and tagging supplies for you to tag those items yourself while we are helping others. If you cannot make these sessions but still need help, let us know by email at nns.consign@gmail.com
TRACKING YOUR SALES: After the sale is over, you will be able to look at your consignor account to see what items sold. Log in to your consignor account and on your Consignor Homepage, select View Your Sold Items (this is close to the bottom of the page).